The Best (and Worst) Ways to Use AI for Your Podcast
Episode 225 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
The Truth About Podcasting AI: What Works and What Doesn’t
Okay, so you might have heard about this thing called the AI revolution. But guess what? A human actually wrote this. (Hey, it needed to be said). In today’s AI-driven world, it’s tempting to use technology to streamline your workflows and make things easier, and look, I’m all for saving time because it’s the number one thing I value. But, to what extent should you be using AI for your podcast? And could podcasting AI tools actually be devaluing your expertise?
Because with the rise of AI, listeners are becoming more skilled than ever at telling the difference between what’s real and what’s fake. Which means that if AI is the sum total of all human wisdom and you’re copy/pasting content from the same tools that every other podcast host is using — you run the risk of sounding like everyone else. (And if you want to be seen as a real thought leader, the last thing you want is for your listeners to think you aren’t who you say you are.)
That’s why I asked global tech founder and AI expert Manuj Aggarwal to join me back in this episode to share the best and worst ways to use podcasting AI for your show. So if you’re ready to learn how to use podcasting AI more effectively so you can save time and streamline your workflows without compromising your authentic voice, read on.
AI’s Limitations in Podcasting
When it comes to your podcast, it’s not just about saving time. It’s about convincing your listeners that you are who you say you are. Which is gonna be a liiiiitle hard to do if you’re just copy-pasting the same outputs from podcasting AI tools for your titles, show notes, and episode emails as everyone else.
Think about it like this: There’s only ever going to be one true Picasso, and if you're an art authenticator, you’ll have the skills to spot what's real and what's fake in an instant. But guess who the authenticity experts are in the world of podcasting? Yup. Your listeners.
Why People Pay More for the Real Thing
Except instead of handing over their hard-earned dollars for a priceless work of art to hang on the wall, they’re trading something even more valuable: their time. (And hey, if YOU had the choice, who would you rather listen to: Alex Hormozi or a business coach regurgitating what Alex says on his show?)
There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re a top expert at what you do, but it’s not me you have to convince — it’s your listeners. Because value is in the eye of the beholder. And people will always pay more (whether it’s dollars or attention) for the real thing.
It’s why Louis Vuitton can charge an ungodly amount for a wallet. It’s why Louboutin can charge what they do for a pair of shoes that you wear. On your feet.
Because if content is a commodity and AI is driving the value of said content down, then guess what goes up in value? The original. The real deal. The authentic. The handmade. The one-of-a-kind.
If you’re like, “ugh, Courtney, but I don’t want to write my own show notes and emails!” I have good news for you. You can have the best of both worlds. BUT, if it’s important to you to be seen as the go-to authority in your niche, there’s a right and a wrong way to use podcasting AI.
Using Podcasting AI Without Compromising Your Voice or Ideas
Here’s how I see it: While podcasting AI can be a powerful tool, it’s critical to strike the right balance between leveraging its capabilities and maintaining your unique voice and ideas. Here’s what you should know:
5 Things You Should NEVER Outsource to Podcasting AI:
- Your thought leadership and creative thinking
- Brainstorming new, original content ideas
- Your core messaging and positioning
- Your voice (just please, no)
- Strategic planning
Some Things You Could Outsource to Podcasting AI, WITH Your Human Touch:
- Brainstorming new angles for your best-performing content
- Analyzing and offering insights into your podcast data
- Streamlining and automating your workflows
- Editing and repurposing your content
- Suggesting questions for interviews
- Email marketing content*
- Social media content*
- Episode titles*
- Show notes*
- Blog posts*
*Personally, I keep full ownership of these, but as long as you’re adding your personal touch to the podcasting AI outputs, you’re on the right track.
Because no matter how advanced podcasting AI becomes, it’ll never replace the genuine human connection your listeners need to trust you: your creativity, your originality, your personality. Your voice, your experiences, your perspectives. This is what your audience wants to hear. Because for them, this is where the true value is.
The Future of AI-Driven Podcasting, and What it Means for You
Remember this: podcasting AI is a tool, but it shouldn’t replace what makes your podcast uniquely yours. Like Manuj says, “[If you want to grow your podcast], your content needs to be in the Rolls Royce category, not a Toyota category.” This means maintaining a high standard of originality and personal connection is crucial. And, as he cautions, “As AI and technology take over, human connection will gain more importance because people crave that.”
So, use podcasting AI to streamline and support your work, but never let it overshadow your creativity and personal touch. Because in the end, the real value is (and always will be) you.
If you want more insights on how to hone your unique podcast message and create a community of raving fans who hang on your every word, hit the follow button for Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast on your favorite podcast app so you never miss a new episode.
And if you need help crafting bingeworthy podcast messaging that doesn’t just help you stand out from your competition but makes you dominate the conversation? Book a free strategy call with our team to find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch, so we can give you the blueprint you need to grow your podcast audience and convert more listeners to clients.
Next Up:
In the next episode, learn why sending an email blast every time you release a new podcast episode could actually be hurting your podcast's growth — and what to do instead if you’re ready to get more listeners subscribing to your email list (and vice versa).