4 Reasons Why Podcast Guesting Isn't Working for You
Episode 253 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
Why Podcast Guesting Isn’t Working for You
Have you invested hours in podcast guesting, only to see minimal impact on your podcast’s growth and zero inquiries from potential clients? You’re not alone.
In this episode of "Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast," we dive into the art of effective podcast guesting with Seth Silvers from StoryOn Media. Seth, who’s behind podcasts for industry giants like Alex Hormozi and Patrick Lencioni, reveals why your podcast guesting strategy isn’t working and how to turn it around.
Discover what to look for in a podcast before pitching, why big shows yield the worst listener-to-lead conversions, and what separates the pitches that get an automatic “yes” from the ones that get automatically deleted.
Ready to see real ROI from your podcast guesting? Read on.
Unrealistic Expectations
Most people dive into podcast guesting with high hopes, thinking that simply showing up will automatically increase their podcast’s downloads, freebie sign-ups, or sales. But that’s rarely the case.
The “Spray and Pray” Method
Seth calls out the “spray and pray” tactic for good reason: trying to land spots on as many shows as possible without giving any thought to how you can genuinely serve each show’s audience — or how those shows might reflect on your brand.
"Unfortunately, that often leads to you getting to be a guest on a lot of really low-quality shows." — Seth Silvers | StoryOn Media
And the results? Yep, usually just as underwhelming.
Your takeaway: Ditch the numbers game in your podcast guesting strategy. Focus on quality over quantity. Pick shows that align with your goals and offer a real chance for impact, even if it means appearing on fewer podcasts. Fewer high-quality shows that deliver real results are far better than a bunch of mid- or low-quality shows that just waste your time.
Misaligned Goals
One big pitfall in podcast guesting is the gap between your goals and your execution. You might want to generate leads or sales, but if your content isn’t hyper-relevant to the show’s audience, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Know Your Audience
When podcast guesting, focus on what’s in it for the listeners. How can you address their needs or solve their problems? Failing to connect with the audience can derail your efforts.
Your takeaway: Do your homework. Get to know the show’s audience before pitching yourself as a guest, and tailor your message in the interview to solve the listeners’ specific problems.
Poor Preparation
Nothing says “I don’t care” like showing up unprepared for your podcast guesting appearances. Doing your homework isn’t just about respecting the host’s time — it’s about making sure you can deliver real, valuable insights.
The Depth of Research
Before you pitch yourself for a podcast guest spot, dive deep into the audience. Ask yourself: "Have I listened to past episodes? Do our philosophies align?" This thorough prep makes you more than just another guest—you become a valuable asset.
"It comes down to having a defined audience, knowing what problems that audience has. Are you a person that can help solve that audience's problems?" — Seth Silvers
Your takeaway: Invest the time to research the show. Listen to previous episodes, get a feel for the host’s style, and understand the audience’s pain points. This not only ramps up your effectiveness as a podcast guest but also ups your chances of getting invited back — and increases the likelihood that listeners will want to do business with you.
Lack of Authenticity
Avoid the temptation to treat your podcast guesting appearances as a quick sales pitch. (That transactional approach leaves a lasting impression—and not the kind of impression you want).
Authentic Engagement
Instead, focus on real engagement. Share valuable insights, tell compelling stories instead of teaching facts, and be genuine about how you can help.
Your takeaway: Go into each podcast guest appearance with the goal of adding value, not extracting it. Seek to grow your network by building true connections with the host and their community. You never know where those relationships will lead in time.
Practical Steps to Improve Your Podcast Guesting Strategy
- Align Your Goals and Messaging: Before you pitch, set clear goals and make sure they align with the show's focus. Clearly articulate why you’re the right guest for that specific podcast.
- Tailor Your Pitch: Shape your pitch to show the host how you can fill a content gap and address the audience’s interests and challenges.
- Engage Authentically: Don’t treat podcast guesting spots like a stage to sell from. Focus on delivering genuine value and serving the listeners first.
- Promote Strategically: Share your podcast guesting appearances strategically, highlighting those with the most relevance and impact.
- Reflect and Adjust: After each guest spot, evaluate what worked and what didn’t. Keep refining your podcast guesting and pitching strategy for continuous improvement.
By putting these strategies into action, your podcast guesting efforts can become more than just another box to check on your marketing agenda. They can be a powerful tool for building your brand, connecting with influential hosts, and genuinely engaging with new audiences.
It’s no secret that mastering podcast guesting requires intention, strategy, and authenticity. Focus on quality, deeply understand your audience, and engage sincerely to turn your guest spots into impactful opportunities for growth.
Want more tips on how to make your podcast stand out? Follow Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app for more tips like these for how to turn your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of.
And if you’re a coach, consultant, expert, or online business owner who wants to start a podcast that turns listeners into leads, we’d love to help. Book a free strategy call to chat with our team and see if you’re a fit for PodLaunch.