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How to Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Podcast

audience psychology launching your podcast
Lucy Liu, host of The Lucy Liu Show, deep in thought with headphones on, featured in episode 234 titled 'Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Podcast.

Episode 234 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer

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Featured Guest: Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu is a global business strategist and certified life coach helping high achieving women in life transitions unstuck, kiss overwhelm bye, cultivate rockstar confidence, see clarity, reach dream goals, and live a joyful fulfilling life! She is an unshakable optimist, wife, mother, easy-going entrepreneur, certified #IamRemarkable women empowerment workshop facilitator, and international motivational speaker. She is the author of two international bestselling books and also inspires as the host of her weekly podcast The Lucy Liu Show, which is the fueling station for your mind, business and life. She has been featured in Medium, VoyageLA, Elephant Journal, ThriveGlobal, FOX, CBS, NBC and dozens of other media outlets.

1:33 - How to Overcome the Fear of Starting a Podcast
3:12 - Why Clarity Beats Speed in Your Podcast Journey
8:15 - How to Know When It’s Time to Pivot Your Podcast
9:45 - Why Self-Doubt Never Really Goes Away (And What to Do About It)
11:24 - How to Build the Confidence You Need to Succeed as a Podcaster

Ready to Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Podcast?

Unlock the Mindset Tools You Need to Silence Self-Doubt and Launch a Successful Show

Starting a podcast kinda feels like being pushed into a pool before you’ve learned to swim: exciting — but mostly terrifying. (Especially when that familiar voice of self-doubt starts making your voice shake and your palms feel gross and sweaty).

Maybe you’ve already bought the mic but it’s sitting on a shelf in your office closet collecting dust. Or maybe you got over the initial fear of starting a podcast, but you’re still feeling more like an imposter than a top podcast host sitting behind the mic. Wherever you are in your podcasting journey, today’s episode is for you.

We're jumping straight into the deep end with successful podcast host and renowned mindset coach Lucy Liu to unpack the psychology behind those sneaky thoughts that whisper "you can't" and show you the mental shifts you can make to shout back "JUST WATCH ME!"

The Biggest Mistake New Podcasters Make (and How to Avoid It)

The idea that you need to have everything figured out before starting a podcast sounds logical, right? After all, “I want to spend all my time starting a podcast no one listens to” said no one, ever. But if you’re an online business owner, consultant, or expert who’s using your podcast as a tool to attract consistent lead flow to your business, every day that goes by without your podcast is a missed opportunity to connect with potential leads. The longer you wait to start your podcast, the longer you’ll keep experiencing the same lead flow and revenue issues you're facing right now because you have no way of attracting new business. You can't win the game if you're not playing.

Lucy challenges, “Real growth and opportunities come from action, not waiting.” Every episode is a chance to reach someone new and turn a listener into a lead. So, grab your mic, hit record, and share your insights on that niche topic you're passionate about. Whether it's tips for scaling a business, advice on personal development, or deep dives into industry trends, your podcast can become the go-to resource for your audience. The more you share, the more you’ll attract listeners who resonate with your message, turning them into valuable leads you've been missing out on. Don't wait — your future clients are already searching for the knowledge only you can provide.

What Every Podcaster Needs to Know When Facing Tough Decisions

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have to get everything right from the get-go when starting a podcast to give yourself the best chance to succeed. But think of any top podcaster you admire — they didn't wait for the perfect setup or the perfect idea. They just started their podcast and figured things out as they went. Like Lucy reminds us with Theodore Roosevelt's wisdom, "In any moment of indecision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

The takeaway? The only wrong decision is not making one at all. So, whether it's choosing your first guest, setting up your recording space, or deciding on your show's format — make the call, take action, and course-correct as you go. The sooner you start your podcast, the sooner you'll learn and grow.

Is Confidence a Technical Issue or a Self-Esteem Issue? (The Answer May Surprise You)

Lucy splits confidence issues when starting a podcast into two main categories: technical and self-esteem. If you're stumbling over the tech side of things, the solution might be as simple as upgrading your mic or hiring a producer to polish your audio. Easy fix. But if your confidence issues stem from self-doubt, then it's time to take a closer look at what's really holding you back.

Lucy suggests doing some self-reflection and asking, "Am I lacking confidence because I don't have the skills, or is it because I don't believe in myself?" This question is crucial because it guides you to a clear path to move forward. If it's a technical skill issue, then get the training or tools you need — easy peasy. But if it's about self-esteem, no amount of gear and gadgets will fix it. Instead, you need to work on building your self-belief. Understanding the root of your confidence issues helps you know where to channel your energy, whether that's mastering the technical side or strengthening your inner confidence.

Three Mindset Shifts That Will Help You Stop Doubting Yourself

To kick self-doubt to the curb, Lucy offers three key mindset shifts:

  1. Enough is a choice: Stop waiting until you feel totally ready or like you have everything figured out. Just decide that you are enough, right now, as you are. This mindset lets you jump in, take action, and grow along the way without second-guessing yourself.
  2. Get Your Ego Out of the Way: Starting a podcast is about serving your listener — it’s not about you. (If you can’t make this mental shift, you shouldn’t be podcasting). When you shift the focus off yourself and onto your listener, you’ll free yourself from the pressure of being perfect or needing to have everything figured out.
  3. Permission to Pivot: Give yourself the freedom to change course if needed. As Lucy points out, "Everyone pivots... it's okay to change, especially in a post-Covid world where change is expected."

Whether you're just starting a podcast or have been doing it for a while, these shifts can make a big difference. Pick your favorite, apply it, and start sharing your voice to create meaningful change in the world.

Why Changing the Life of Just One Listener is Enough to Make Starting a Podcast Worthwhile

Lucy sums up the true impact of podcasting by zeroing in on the power of connecting with just one listener. "If I change the life of one listener from one episode, I’ve done my job," she says. This mindset shifts your focus from obsessing over download numbers to making a meaningful difference in someone's life. Remember, every big podcaster started where you are now — armed with just a mic and a message. Starting a podcast isn’t about having thousands of listeners from day one; it's about making a genuine impact, one person at a time.

If you want more tips for building self-belief, check out Lucy's podcast, available everywhere podcasts are found.

And if you're a coach, consultant, expert, or online business owner looking for a proven blueprint to launch  a top 100 podcast that converts listeners into leads, we’d love to help. Book a free strategy call with our team to see if PodLaunch is right for you.

Next up: We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of paid podcast subscriptions and tackling questions you can't Google, like:

  • "How do paid podcast subscriptions actually work?"
  • "What are the pros and cons of offering paid podcast subscriptions?"
  • "Will offering a paid subscription boost listener engagement or hurt my total downloads?"
  • "How much money can I make from a paid podcast subscription?"

Plus, I'll share some insider insights the big players like Apple and Spotify don’t want you to know — because when you're juggling a podcast and a business, every minute counts. So if you're curious whether a paid subscription model is the right move for your show or just another shiny object, don’t miss the next episode.


Ready for a top podcast of your own that converts listeners to leads on repeat?

With hands-on guidance from our team of expert coaches, the PodLaunch Formula has helped 95% of clients break the Top 100 in their categories and scale their podcasts 5x faster than those who start a podcast without it. Schedule a free call and let's find out if we're a fit to work together: