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The Real Reason Why Your Podcast Isn't Converting

audience psychology marketing & growth
Podcast cover art featuring a smiling man, Brandon Lucero, with his arms crossed, wearing a black shirt. The text reads 'Convert More Listeners to Leads' and the episode number 239. The background is a gradient of purple, highlighting the professional and informative theme of the episode. Brandon Lucero is labeled as a 'Top 1% Podcast Host' in the lower right corner.

Episode 239 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer

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Featured Guest: Brandon Lucero
Brandon is the founder of the New Generation Mastery program and The New Generation Entrepreneur podcast. His proven methodology shifts how online content is created and distributed by changing beliefs, shifting perspectives, and the psychology of selling products online so you can move your audience into a buying state of mind while growing your brand.

1:18 - The Real Reason Your Podcast Isn't Converting
4:12 - The Biggest Mistake Causing Your Podcast Episodes to Get Overlooked
8:06 - Do You Really Solve a Problem for Your Audience? (Hint: You Do)
11:10 - Why Talking About Problems Makes People Feel Heard, Not Hopeless
13:04 - 5 Signs It's Time to Pivot Your Podcast Topics

The Real Reason Your Podcast Isn't Converting (And How to Fix It)

You know that moment when you’re listening to a podcast episode and you’re thinking, “This is creepy. It’s like they made this just for me. How did they know I needed this?! Are they in my brain?! Woah. HOW DID THEY KNOW?!" (Well. It’s me, hi. I’m doing it again.)

Look, no one (and I mean absolutely no one) starts a podcast and says, "I want to put all this effort in and get zero return." You want to reach millions with your message. You want a bingeworthy show that people rave about with their friends. And it sure would be nice to convert at least some of your listeners to clients and customers, wouldn’t it?

If you’re thinking, "ummm DUH, YES," then pay attention because you’re about to learn how to drive more conversions by using persuasive communication that makes your listener sit up and take notice while creating demand for whatever product or service you offer.

My friend and mentor Brandon Lucero is a master at the art of persuasive communication, and he joins us inside this bonus episode to reveal the top reasons why your listeners aren’t converting to clients — and how to fix it.

So if you’re ready to get more listeners saying “OMG, you’re in my head” and “How can I work with you?!” read on.

Why Your Podcast Isn’t Converting

Many podcast hosts buy into the myth that high-quality content and a big audience will automatically lead to listener conversions and business growth. But let’s be real: it takes more than just showing up to turn those listeners into loyal clients. There’s a reason why listeners tune in every week but aren’t asking how to work with you.

"Creating content that directly addresses your listeners' problems will significantly improve your podcast's ability to convert listeners into leads and clients through persuasive communication." - Brandon Lucero

In other words, it's not about how many people are tuning in — it's about how relevant your content is that leads listeners to take the next step with you.

Becoming Hyper-Relevant to Your Listener

To create content that converts, you need to be hyper-relevant to your listener. This means deeply understanding their unwanted experiences and the problems they face. When you can accurately describe the challenges your audience is going through, they'll feel heard, validated, and more inclined to trust you as the expert who can help them solve their problems.

“You have to understand your audience is only coming to you, listening to you, and going to buy from you because they have a problem that they think that you can solve.” -Brandon Lucero

For instance, if you’re a weight-loss coach, addressing your listener’s specific struggle by saying “You exercise at least 3 times a week and count every calorie, but still the 10+ pounds you’ve gained since turning 45 won’t budge” will hit closer to home than something vague and general like “You want to lose unwanted weight and keep it off.” By speaking directly to the exact challenge they’re facing, you make your content more relevant and compelling through persuasive communication.

Identifying the Right Problems to Solve

Not all problems are created equal. To turn more listeners into clients, you need to zero in on the most relevant and painful problems that drive them to seek out your help.

For problem-specific content to be effective, it must do three things:

  1. Address a problem they’re aware of and currently experiencing
  2. Frame the problem from their perspective, not yours
  3. Be hyper-specific.

For example, if you’re a money coach for business owners, you might know their money mindset is affecting their ability to make money. But they might not realize that their “money mindset” is the issue. Instead, speak directly to their reality: “You don’t have enough money in your bank account to pay your team this month.” This approach makes the problem real and relatable, driving them to seek out your help to solve this problem.

Crafting Problem-Specific Content

Once you've identified the problems your audience is facing, it’s time to create content that speaks directly to those issues. Use your podcast episodes to demonstrate your understanding of their challenges and introduce concepts that shift their perspective.

“Most of us are helping people do something or go through something that we've been through ourselves. What were you experiencing, what feelings did you have, emotions that you have, thoughts did you have? You start to use that, and that's what builds the relevancy. Because I guarantee you if you were experiencing it, your audience is likely experiencing the same thing." - Brandon Lucero

By focusing on problem-specific content, you’ll create inherent demand for your offers through persuasive communication and position your call-to-action as the natural next step for your listeners.

Beware of Over-Teaching

One of the biggest mistakes podcasters make is over-teaching in their episodes. Sure, delivering value is crucial, but if you teach too much, you might accidentally push listeners away. When you overwhelm your listeners with every detail, they might think they’ve got it all figured out and don’t need your help anymore, which sets them up for failure.

Instead, focus on demonstrating your understanding of their specific problems, introducing new concepts, and shifting their perspectives without giving away the entire solution. This keeps them engaged and eager for more of what you offer.

But What if My Podcast Doesn’t Solve a Problem for People?

Here’s the hard truth: Every audience has a problem. If you’re not tapping into that problem, you increase the risk of listeners overlooking your podcast. Let’s say you have a community-focused podcast. Sure, you provide a space for people to connect, but what’s driving them to seek out that community in the first place? There’s always a reason.

Like Brandon says, “The key is to dig deep into what’s going on in your audience’s lives that makes them crave what you’re offering. It’s not just about having a great podcast or a large audience; it’s about understanding and addressing the specific pain points or desires that push them to seek out your content.”

So, how do you uncover these hidden issues? Talk directly with your listeners and gather feedback to identify specific problems, then test out different angles. By digging deeper and focusing on their most urgent issues, you can craft content that truly resonates and drives action through persuasive communication.

Turning your podcast listeners into clients is less about having a massive audience and more about diving deep into their real, pressing problems. By understanding and addressing these issues through persuasive communication and hyper-relevant content, you'll make your podcast irresistible and drive listeners to take action.

Want to get more tips on converting listeners into clients? Follow Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app to learn how to turn your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of.

If you're a coach, consultant, expert, or online business owner who's ready to turn more listeners into clients, let's talk. Book a free strategy call and let’s find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch.


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