From 30 to 1000+ Downloads in One Day With This Simple Shift
Episode 211 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
Use This One Simple Shift to Reach More Listeners
Most hosts believe, “If I just stay consistent, my show will grow.” But with the average podcast pulling in only about 2,000 total downloads a year, how long are you willing to wait to see the results you want? If you've been crafting each episode like a work of art, but when you check the stats you get crickets, you're not alone. If you want to reach more listeners, keep reading — I’m taking you behind the scenes of a client’s podcast relaunch where one simple shift took them from averaging 30 downloads per episode to over 1,000 downloads in just one day. And the best part? You can do it too.
Let’s break it down.
Why Your Podcast Isn’t Taking Off (Yet)
You’ve prepped, recorded, and finally hit that publish button, thinking, “This is it. People are going to love this.” But then...nothing happens. Maybe you get around 20, 30, or even 50 downloads if you’re lucky. But you’re left wondering, “What am I doing wrong?”
The truth is, it's not because your content isn't good or because people don't like the sound of your voice. It’s because most podcasters don’t know how to position their show to stand out in a crowded space. They don’t know how to differentiate themselves, and as a result, their podcast gets overlooked. To reach more listeners, you need to think strategically about how your show is positioned.
The Power of the Right Release Day to Reach More Listeners
The strategy I’m about to share isn’t something you’ll find floating around in the usual podcasting advice circles. And if you ever come across someone else teaching it, just know—they got it here first. Because after spending over 15,000 hours studying what separates successful podcasts from those that get lost in the noise, I’ve found time and again it’s not the big, flashy changes that move the needle. It’s the small, strategic tweaks that bring about the biggest results.
There are 7 key elements in the Launch & Relaunch strategy we teach our clients at PodLaunch. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on one of the simplest yet most impactful elements to help you reach more listeners and increase your chances of ranking higher. Ready for it? Release your podcast episodes on the quietest day of the week in your category.
Why Zigging When Others Zag Works
The common podcasting “wisdom” says to release on the most popular day, because the thinking goes, “If everyone else is releasing on Tuesday, I should too, right?” Wrong. When you release on the same day as the big names in your category, you’re competing for attention in a much more crowded room. And unless you’re pulling Amy Porterfield-level numbers, standing out is going to be an uphill battle.
Releasing on the quietest day is just one of the 7 elements that make up an effective Launch & Relaunch system. On its own, it’s not a silver bullet. To truly see results, you need to have the other pieces dialed in too. But when you release your episodes on a quieter day, you’re giving your podcast the best chance to stand out because fewer shows are dropping episodes that day. It’s like having a conversation in a quiet room versus a crowded party — you’re much more likely to be heard and reach more listeners.
We applied this strategy with the client I mentioned earlier. He was releasing episodes on the busiest day in his category, struggling to get noticed. We simply switched his release day to a quieter one, relaunched his podcast using our 7-part Launch & Relaunch methodology, and broke into the Apple Top 100 in his category for the first time in two years of podcasting — and more importantly, regained hope in his podcast’s potential.
Finding the Quietest Day for Your Podcast
If you’re wondering, “How do I find the quietest day for my podcast?” Here’s the thing—the answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. It varies for every category, and to pinpoint that quietest day, we first need to make sure your podcast is positioned in the most strategic category to maximize your ranking potential. I won’t dive into those nuances here because they’re specific to each podcast (but if you’re serious about nailing this, book a strategy call with my team, and let’s chat).
What I really want you to take away from this is that the changes you need to make aren’t massive or complicated—they’re small, strategic tweaks that can be the difference between your podcast getting overlooked or getting the attention it deserves. So if you’re banging your head against the wall wondering why all your hard work isn’t paying off, it’s time to dial in your podcast messaging, refine your positioning, and adjust your strategy to get your podcast in front of listeners who are searching for a show like yours. If you want to reach more listeners, it’s not about cranking out more content, it’s about making the right adjustments to help your show stand out.
And if you want more tips on how to make your podcast stand out? Follow Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app to learn more insider strategies like this one for turning your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of.
Or if you’re like, “Can you take this off my hands?!” Yep we sure can, and we’d love help. Book a free strategy call with our team to find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch and get the blueprint you need for a bingeworthy top podcast that converts your listeners to clients on repeat.
Next Up:
If you’re curious about what else you can do to get your podcast noticed and reach more listeners, stick around. In the next episode, I’m diving into why you don’t need a massive audience to be successful at podcasting — and how you can position your podcast to grow your audience quickly from day one.