How to Tell if Your Podcast Needs a Rebrand
Episode 250 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
0:00 - Why Your Podcast Audience Isn't Converting and How to Fix It
Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing (and What to Do About It)
One of the biggest myths in the podcasting industry is that if your podcast isn’t converting listeners to leads, the answer is to grow your audience. But if your current audience isn’t converting, what makes you think a bigger one will?
If your current audience isn’t raising their hands asking “How do I work with you?!” chances are it has nothing to do with the current size of your podcast audience and everything to do with the first impression you’re making on your listeners.
Beth Schillaci knows all about this. She'd been podcasting for a year and was still getting less than 30 downloads an episode when she realized something needed to change.
So if you’ve hit record, shared valuable content, guest-starred on other shows, and marketed your heart out but you still haven’t seen a significant increase in downloads in the last three months or more, read on to find out what you can do to turn things around and start seeing the podcast growth you deserve.
First Impressions Matter
Most hosts don’t realize this, but there are five elements that work together to create a first impression of your podcast — and it happens before your listener hits play.
We call these the 5 Podcast Content Gatekeepers™:
- Cover Art
- Show Name
- Show Description
- Episode Titles
- Episode Descriptions
If your listener doesn’t make it through all of these “gates,” then chances are they’ll never hit play, which means you’ll never get the chance to show them how good your episode content actually is.
The Power of Specificity
Beth says it best: “My original podcast title meant something to me, but it didn’t mean anything to anyone else. If you don't know me, why listen to me and not another show on a similar topic?”
She goes on to say, “But after getting crystal clear on the exact type of listener I wanted to attract, I renamed the podcast. Now, it’s obvious who my show is for and I’m able to attract the exact type of listener I want.”
Beth shared, “By being hyper-specific, I could visualize my listener, and suddenly, everything clicked. It's not just about attracting any listener; it’s about drawing in your listener.”
Nailing down exactly who you want listening to your show is like finding the right key for a lock. When the key fits perfectly, the door opens without any effort, revealing opportunities you never knew existed.
Clearly defining your ideal listener is about creating that "aha" moment where your listener thinks, "Finally! This is the show I've been looking for." The problem? Most hosts don’t go deep enough when defining who their show is here to serve — which causes their show to get overlooked because they’re blending in with everyone else. This lack of specificity can be a major roadblock to podcast growth.
Rebranding for Podcast Growth: Less Can Be More
Beth’s next step was simple yet effective—shortening her episodes. Gone were the days of sticking to a self-imposed 45-minute minimum. Instead, she started creating concise, hyper-focused content. She broke down episodes into bite-sized pieces, making it easier for listeners to consume quickly and efficiently, especially when planning trips or looking for specific information.
This change didn’t just make her content more valuable; it made it accessible. This is crucial for podcast growth because it's all about making it easy for your audience to say, "I've got time for this!"
Trusting the Process
Rebranding isn't just about changing your podcast's look—it's about really getting to know your audience and rebuilding that trust. Once you get your podcast messaging dialed in to attract the right listener, the next step is positioning your podcast for maximum discoverability so new listeners can find you and contribute to your podcast growth.
Beth’s journey didn’t stop at rebranding her podcast. She followed a proven launch strategy that positioned her podcast to reach a wider audience and drive podcast growth.
“I hit around 1000 downloads, and that put me in the Top #20 of all podcasts in Places and Travel in the US on Apple Podcasts. The UK was #122 on the charts, Australia was #37, and Japan was #45, which was insane to me.” — Beth Schillaci.
Beth goes on to say, “Seeing the numbers roll in like this was surreal. It wasn’t just gratifying. it was proof that the process works.”
Your Turn to Shine
Now, it’s your turn. If your show hasn’t grown as quickly as you hoped, it might be time to consider a rebrand. Here’s what you can do to get your podcast noticed:
- Dial in Your Messaging: Make sure your podcast’s title, description, and episode titles are clear and specific. Your podcast should solve a real problem and immediately show potential listeners what your podcast is about and why they should tune in.
- Optimize for Discoverability: Use keywords relevant to your niche in your podcast metadata. This makes it easier for new listeners to find you through search engines and podcast directories, which will contribute to your podcast growth over time.
- Leverage Your Network: There are many elements that go into a successful podcast launch strategy, but the goal is to create buzz for your show. Reach out to your existing audience, guest-star on other podcasts, and collaborate with influencers in your niche. Word-of-mouth is one of your most powerful tools, especially when you have a small audience.
Remember, growing a podcast isn’t just about one big moment of success. Consistency is important, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. After the launch, you need a solid strategy to grow your audience long-term. Develop a plan to continue building on your launch-day momentum and trust that the results will follow.
Ready for a Rebrand?
Rebranding your podcast can seem totally daunting. But if you’ve been putting in the hours and you’re not seeing an ROI from your podcast yet, it could be the turning point you need.
By dialing in your messaging, positioning your show to attract the right audience, and developing a plan for long-term podcast growth, you’ll be able to create a killer first impression that hooks your ideal listeners.
Want to learn how to create a first impression with your podcast that people will rave about? Check out Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app for actionable tips on turning your show into one listeners can't get enough of.
Ready to turn your podcast into a lead-generating machine for your business? Let’s chat! Book a free strategy call with our team and see how PodLaunch can help.