BTS: Peek Inside My Latest Voice Coaching Session
Episode 215 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
Use These Simple Voice Shifts to Keep Your Listeners Hooked
If you’ve ever found yourself stumbling over your words during a podcast recording, struggling to nail the perfect outro, or second-guessing every transition, read on. Because the harder you try to sound like an expert, the more you risk losing the real connection with your listeners that’s critical for converting listeners to leads and clients. So how do you keep your audience hooked? It’s not just about what you say — it’s about how you say it.
The Invisible 93%: Mastering Your Voice for Maximum Impact
Anyone can teach you how to outline an episode or write a script — that’s just words. And while what you say matters, words are only 7% of communication. If you’re a podcaster wondering why your episodes aren’t converting like you’d hoped, the issue might not be your message — it might be the unconscious tones in your voice when you deliver it. If you’re ready to increase conversions from your episodes and become the go-to expert in your niche, it’s the other 93% of communication that you need to master.
When it comes to podcasting, perfection is the enemy of connection.
But it’s not just about sounding polished or ditching the 'ums' and 'ahs'. It’s about mastering the way you use your voice that creates influence and drives action.
Shift Your Focus
Instead of focusing on proving yourself as an expert, focus on serving your audience. Ask yourself: Are you trying to impress, or are you trying to connect? When you shift your intention toward serving your listeners, your communication naturally becomes more relatable and effective. They don't need a perfectly polished expert; they need someone who understands them and speaks directly to their needs.
Try this: The next time you’re preparing your podcast content, think about what your listeners are struggling with and how you can help them. This shift in focus will make your content more impactful and help build a stronger connection with your audience.
Be Conversational
Ever noticed how the best podcasts feel like a conversation between friends? That’s not by accident. Being conversational is key to keeping your audience engaged. When you rely too much on scripts, your voice can lose that natural, engaging quality that draws people in. Instead, aim to make your teasers and content feel like a chat over coffee.
Try this: Instead of delivering a stiff, rehearsed teaser or trying to sound like a top podcaster, picture your ideal listener in your mind’s eye. Imagine they’re a real person, sitting across the table from you sharing a cup of coffee. They’ve just asked you a question — how would you answer it? Visualizing your listener can help you sound more natural and relatable, keeping your listeners tuned in and wanting more.
To Script or Not to Script?
Many podcasters believe that perfect scripting is the secret to driving conversions — that if you just nail the right words, your audience will be hooked. But,
It’s not what you say that creates connection and drives listeners to action — it’s how you say it.
Think about the most engaging conversations you’ve had. Were they perfectly scripted, or did they just flow naturally? Or think about a podcast episode you listened to recently that really moved you. The episodes that really stand out aren’t ones where the host is reading a script word-for-word. It’s the ones where the host is speaking from the heart, letting their personality and passion shine through.
Scripting can feel like a safety net, but your listeners can tell you’re more focused on getting the words right than on connecting with them. Before you know it, they’re tuning you out — scrolling through their phone or switching to another podcast.
Try this: Trust your instincts and speak to your listener like you’d speak to your best friend. Your audience will feel the difference, and that will keep them engaged and move them to action.
Cut the Fluff
Ever listen to a host and find yourself thinking, get to the point already? Rambling through an intro or outro, or spending 20 minutes on a backstory before getting to the real point of the episode is a guaranteed way to lose your audience’s attention.
Try this: To keep your listeners engaged, you’ve got to cut the fluff. Think of your outro like a 30-second commercial — how would you say it if you only had 30 seconds to say it?
Your Voice: The Secret to Podcast Mastery
Becoming a top podcast host isn’t just about having great content or releasing episodes consistently. It’s about knowing how to get listeners more connected to you — that’s what drives engagement and ultimately, conversions.
By shifting your intention to serve your listener, picturing them in your mind’s eye, talking to them as you would a friend, and above all, trusting what you have to say, you’ll be able to create deeper listener-host relationships and keep listeners hanging on your every word.
Remember, being a top podcast host isn’t not about being perfect — it’s about being real. That’s what will make your podcast truly bingeworthy.
And if you want more tips for creating a listener experience people rave about? Make sure you’re following Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app for actionable advice on how to turn your show into a podcast listeners can't get enough of.
Or if you’re a coach, consultant, or expert who wants the full blueprint you need for launching, ranking, and growing a bingeworthy podcast that converts your listeners to clients, Book a free strategy call and let’s find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch.
Next Up:
Coming up in the next episode, find out if there’s a best time to start a podcast and discover the three key steps to make listeners choose your show over the competition. If you want the insider secrets to starting a podcast listeners can’t ignore, don’t miss it.