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Why Consistency Isn't the Key to Podcast Growth

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Image of a man wearing headphones and looking at his phone with the heading 'Consistency Won't Grow Your Podcast' in bold blue text, featuring the episode number '246.

Episode 246 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer

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0:02 - Why Consistency Alone Won’t Grow Your Podcast
1:49 - The Full Equation You Need for Podcast Growth
8:41 - The Key Activity That Will Spike Your Podcast’s Discoverability
12:41 - Three Budget-Friendly Tools to Help More Listeners Find Your Show
16:38 - How to Identify the Right Activities that Drive Podcast Growth

Why Consistency is Not Key to Podcast Growth

Chances are, you already know consistency is important when it comes to podcast growth. But if opening your analytics dashboard and seeing your latest download numbers makes you want to throw your laptop across the room and quit podcasting altogether... phew, I know the feeling.

Because when it comes to podcast growth, you're already doing a lot of things right.

  • You share each episode with your email list every time a new one drops.
  • You repurpose episodes like a ninja and share clips on social media.
  • You release an episode every week without fail.

So why are you still not seeing your downloads increase week over week? (This maaay come as a shock, so brace yourself…)

Because consistency is only ONE part of the full equation for podcast growth.

Which is why it makes me want to throw things when I see other "experts" preaching things like, "just keep podcasting!" "stay consistent!" "don't quit!" (You know those slow-motion movie scenes where someone yells “NOOOOOOO” from afar? That’s me right now.) The truth is, you're being lied to. And I'm here to set the record straight.

The Reality of Podcast Growth

Now look, I know these podcast "experts" mean well and I'm not here to throw shade. Well, okay. maybe a teensy bit of shade. Because stop and think about it...

If consistency were the secret to podcast growth, then that would mean every host who's released an episode every week for a year or more would have a top podcast by now, and we both know that's not the case.

The bad news is, I didn't figure this out til about two years and over 100+ episodes in. But the good news of course is that now I can save you a lot of years (and a whoooole lotta heartache) from releasing episodes week after week without ever seeing real podcast growth. It all boils down to one simple equation.

The (Only) Equation You Need for Podcast Growth

Ready for it? Here you go: Right Activity + Time = Momentum

The time part? You've already got that piece dialed in.

You know podcasting is a commitment. You get that consistency is key to keep your listeners engaged and coming back. You're in it for the long haul. Easy enough.

But the right activity part? That's the one that trips people up, because success in podcasting isn't only about being consistent. It's about consistently doing the right activities so you can get the results you want. (Like, so sorry, but you're not going to wake up tomorrow looking like a bodybuilder because you did a few bicep curls today.)

Same goes here: podcast growth doesn't just happen. And if you're spending your time on the wrong activities in the first place, you can be as consistent as you want to be but you'll never see results.

Focusing on the Right Activities for Podcast Growth

So you want to continue being consistent, but you also want to dial in what you're consistently doing. And if by now you're wondering: What ARE the right activities I need to be doing for podcast growth besides releasing episodes every week and sharing them with my audience? Spoiler alert: It will depend on your goals for your podcast.

But if I could go back in time and do it over, here’s where I would focus:

How to Get More Out of Every Episode (Even with Zero Budget)

There are a hundred different ways you could grow your podcast. But if I had to start over with zero budget and very little time, I’d focus on leveraging what I’m already doing to get the most out of every single episode:

  1. Optimize for Search Engines: Think about how people find new podcasts. They use search engines like Google, YouTube, or the search feature in podcast apps. Start by optimizing your podcast name, episode titles, podcast description, and show notes with relevant keywords your listeners are searching for. Tools like ChatGPT or Neil Patel's Ubersuggest can help.
  2. Comb Your Data to Find Your Best Content, and Repeat It: Apple Podcasts Connect is a treasure trove of insights into your listeners. Even if some listeners use other platforms, Apple can give you insight into a cross-segment of your listener base to help you identify what topics are resonating most. Look at episode downloads and listener consumption rates to find your top topics. Then, explore these topics from different angles and invite guests who can add new perspectives.
  3. Create Bonus Content from Your Existing Content: Bonus content doesn’t have to mean extra work. The more specific your episode content is, the easier it is to turn it into bonus material. For example, if you have a guest who talks about using email marketing to grow your podcast, you can create a bonus episode diving deeper into a specific strategy on how to do that.
  4. Bonus: Promote Your Best Episodes: If you have a bit of budget but not much time, consider using tools like MowPod or Chartable’s Smart Promos to run targeted ads for your top-performing episodes. This can help you reach new listeners who are likely interested in your content. As long as your podcast messaging is clear, you should be able to convert many of those leads into loyal listeners which will contribute to your podcast growth over time.

The Key to Podcast Growth: Reaching New Listeners

Sending emails to your list and repurposing your podcast content to social media only keeps you in front of your current audience. To grow your podcast, you need to reach out to new listeners who need to hear your show but haven’t found it yet. By focusing on these strategies as a first step, you’ll increase the likelihood of new listeners finding your show and unlock the potential for the podcast growth you've been working so hard for. Want more insider tips on growing your podcast? Follow Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast and learn how to make your show irresistible to listeners.

Ready to turn your podcast into your top source of organic leads? If you’re a coach, consultant, expert, or online business owner, book a free strategy call with our PodLaunch team to see how we can help.


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