Q + A | Why Imitating Top Hosts is Hurting Your Podcast Growth
Episode 230 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast
Why Imitating Top Hosts is Hurting Your Podcast Growth
When I first started my podcast, I paid real close attention to how other hosts delivered their content. (Okay fine. I pretended to be James Wedmore). I thought that if I could do what other successful hosts did, my podcast would be successful too. Seems logical enough, right? Wrong.
Without realizing it, I’d overlooked one tiny problem: I wasn't James Wedmore. On top of that, my audience was completely different from his. As if that weren’t enough, some part of me must’ve thought that regurgitating other experts' knowledge was a great way to hide the fact that I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING. (If you listened to my show four years ago, you couldn't tell… Could you!?)
Then one day it (finally) dawned on me: If imitating other successful hosts was the secret to successful podcast growth, then everyone who's ever mirrored another successful host would have a Top 100 podcast — and we both know that’s not the case. Here’s why:
The Real Reason Your Podcast Isn't Growing
Ever caught yourself thinking, "If it worked for them, it'll work for me"? (No shame, we’ve literally all been there). But imitating other top podcast hosts is the worst move you could make for your podcast. Even worse? It usually happens unconsciously.
It’s like this: you see a host you admire, you listen to their show every week, and without even realizing it, you start mirroring their style, their format, their everything. But before you know it, your podcast starts to sound like a remix of theirs. It's a natural human tendency to emulate success, but it's also a trap. Especially if you’re trying to achieve steady podcast growth. Because if you don’t stand out, that means you blend in.
Think about it this way: If everyone followed the same path to success, there would be no innovation, no new ideas, and no standout voices. The top hosts you admire didn't get there by copying someone else. They got there by staying true to who they’ve always been.
So, I did something pretty dramatic. I stopped listening to podcasts altogether. A BOLD move as a rookie podcaster, I know. But I realized that listening to other podcasts was keeping me from growing my own show. Even though at first I thought I was simply learning what I needed to do to be successful, all it was actually doing was making me feel like a total failure for not having the same results these other top shows had. (Not to mention they probably worked 10+ years to get those results, but that wasn't something I factored in at the time). I’d fallen victim to the Echo Effect, and I didn’t even know it.
Is The Echo Effect Affecting Your Podcast Growth?
The Echo Effect happens when you unconsciously or unknowingly start imitating other successful hosts, thinking it will bring you the same success. This causes your podcast to become a carbon copy instead of a unique experience, and it won't take long for your audience to lose interest. Because hey, if YOU had the choice, who would you rather listen to: Alex Hormozi himself? or a "business coach" regurgitating the original information Alex is sharing on his show? Yeah, exactly.
The key to avoiding this trap is to stay grounded in your own power and unique abilities as an expert. Create content that truly reflects who you are and what you care about. Your listeners are there for your unique insights and personality, not a rehashed version of someone else.
5 Telltale Signs Your Podcast Is Blending In
How do you know when the Echo Effect is affecting your podcast? Here are five telltale signs:
- Mirroring the Style or Format of Other Shows: If you find yourself doing a similar version of the style or format of other podcasts without really knowing why they do things the way that they do, you run the risk of diluting your own unique voice and blending into the background. Just because it works for someone else’s audience doesn’t mean it will work for yours.
- Following Trends Instead of Genuine Interest: If you’re focusing on what seems popular, trending, or successful and not on topics or styles that genuinely interest and excite you and your audience, your podcast will lack ingenuity and authenticity (and listeners will tune it out).
- Stagnant or Declining Downloads: If your podcast hasn’t shown significant growth in downloads, followers, or overall reach in the last three months or more – or worse, if you’ve seen a decline in listeners instead of growth – this is a major red flag that your podcast message isn’t resonating.
- Low Consumption Rates: When you open up your analytics dashboard and see that listeners start your episodes but don’t finish them, it indicates your content isn’t keeping their attention.
- No New Reviews (or Negative Reviews): If you’re not getting feedback or if the feedback you’re getting isn’t positive, it’s a clear sign that something needs to shift in your podcast’s message, your podcast’s positioning, or both.
The good news is that with the right messaging, positioning, and a solid long-term audience-building strategy, all of this is fixable. Your show can start getting the attention it deserves — and YOU can become the top podcaster your listeners can’t wait to hear from each week.
The Surprising Shift That Helps Others Value You as an Expert
We live in a world overloaded with input. It's easy to consume so much content that you don't leave room for your own creativity to develop. I realized this when I found myself copying others without even knowing why. But when I distanced myself from external influences and started trusting my own ideas, my podcast finally started to stand out.
So if you’re ready for others to see you as the expert you are, start sharing the thoughts and ideas that are uniquely yours. This means creating space for your own ideas to develop — because if you’re constantly listening to other experts’ opinions, you can’t hear yours. So, put your blinders on, tune out the noise, and trust that what you have to say is valuable. Your listeners will thank you for it.
Want more tips on how to get listeners choosing your podcast over the competition? Make sure you’re following Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app to learn how to turn your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of.
Or if you’re ready for personalized help to create a Top 100 podcast that turns listeners into leads, let's chat. Book a free strategy call with our team and find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch.
Next Up:
In the next episode, we’re going to help you nail the invisible elements of your podcast brand and create a show listeners can’t ignore. Podcast branding is much more than cover art and a catchy show title, so if you don’t want potential listeners to scroll past your podcast, don’t miss the next episode.