4 Signs Listeners are Overlooking Your Podcast

Episode 233 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
4 Signs Your Podcast Growth is Stalling
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You publish at least one new podcast episode every week without fail. You’re consistent, dedicated, and doing everything the experts say you need for podcast growth.
But for some ridiculously frustrating unknown reason, you're still getting less than 1,000 downloads per episode. Despite people telling you they love your podcast, no one has left a review in the last 30 days. You religiously check your analytics dashboard, only to see no significant increase in downloads or listens in the last three months. And even though you know the content you share in every episode is pure gold, only one or two listeners have ever reached out to ask how they can work with you.
If you're thinking, “Yup, that sounds like me…” then you also know that podcast growth is a long game. You just need to stay consistent and give it more time, right? Except, have you ever stopped to wonder why despite your best efforts, it's still not working? Well, there’s a reason why.
After helping over 95% of our clients break into the Top 100 in their categories, we've found that this happens to podcasts that are missing "Core Differentiator” — or in other words, a clear way to communicate to your listener why your show is the one they need to tune into instead of the competition.
The Myth of Consistency for Podcast Growth
Many podcast "experts" preach consistency as the golden rule for podcast growth. And while I’m not here to completely dismiss their advice (okay, maybe a little side-eye), think about it this way: if consistency were all you needed for podcast growth, then every host who releases episodes every week would be topping the charts by now. But we both know that’s nowhere close to being the case.
That’s because consistency on its own isn’t the magic bullet for podcast growth (and a lesson I learned the hard way, two years in and 100 episodes later). So, what’s the missing ingredient? If you want more podcast growth, you have to understand one simple but powerful concept: the Core Differentiator. This is what will set your podcast apart and attract listeners like a magnet. But without it, you’ll just be another voice in an already-crowded space — no matter how consistent you are.
The Key to Standing Out: Your Core Differentiator
Imagine a listener browsing through podcast options in your niche. They stumble upon your podcast and another similar one. Why should they choose yours? If your potential listeners can't instantly recognize what makes your show special, they might go for the one with more reviews or a title that directly speaks to a problem they have or a solution they’re seeking. This is where your Core Differentiator comes in.
If podcast growth is your goal, it's not enough to have unique content. Your podcast needs to clearly address a problem — and that problem needs to be obvious from the moment someone encounters your podcast. For instance, let’s imagine you have a commercial real estate podcast. While most of the shows cover general strategies, while yours dives into a specific, proven method. But if your messaging doesn't clearly communicate this distinction, potential listeners won't understand why your podcast is the better choice. And the kicker? All of this takes place before your listener hits play — which is why high-value episode content alone isn’t enough to “sell” someone on why they should listen.
Podcast listeners listen to podcasts not just because they have an interest in a particular topic. It’s because in most cases, they have a specific problem they want to solve (and they think gaining more information, or knowledge, on that topic will help them solve the problem they’re experiencing). If you want your podcast to attract new listeners and eventually convert them to clients, potential listeners need to know that you understand their struggle before they care about the solution you're offering. If your show doesn't clearly communicate, "Hey, I get what you're going through and that’s why I’m the expert who can help," they're likely to skip it.
Podcast Growth 401: The Five Podcast Content Gatekeepers™
Your podcast's journey to a listener's ears starts long before they press play. There are five critical elements, or "Podcast Content Gatekeepers™," that can either draw in potential listeners or cause them to scroll past your show.
Here’s a quick peek into what they are and why they’re important for podcast growth (if you want a deeper dive, check out this episode):
- Cover Art – This is the first visual impression your podcast makes. In a sea of thumbnails, it needs to grab attention fast by drawing your listener’s eye away from the competition.
- Podcast Name – An effective podcast name is one that’s clear, concise, and directly addressing the key problem your podcast solves. It should immediately communicate what your show is about and why your listener should care.
- Podcast Description – This is your podcast’s elevator pitch. Your description should be concise yet rich with relevant keywords. It should set clear expectations for the problem your podcast solves and let potential listeners know that they’re in the right place.
- Episode Titles – Each episode title is a hook. Much like a great headline, it needs to be compelling enough to make someone want to click and listen. Ask yourself, "Would *I* be interested in this episode?" Be honest. The goal is to make it easy for potential listeners to understand the value of the episode in the 1/10th of a second it takes to make an online first impression.
- Show Notes/Summary – This final gatekeeper is the last thing listeners will skim before deciding to hit play. Your show notes should outline the episode's key takeaways so listeners can clearly see whether it’s worth their time.
If any one of these 5 Content Gatekeepers fails to do its job, your episodes risk being overlooked, no matter how great they are. Dialing in your five content gatekeepers isn’t just about looking polished or professional — it’s about making your podcast hyper-relevant to your audience, both consciously and subconsciously.
Put it Into Action
So now you know — the secret to podcast growth isn't just about having the best content or being the most consistent. It's about clearly communicating why your show is unique and worth listening to before your listener hits play.
Your Core Differentiator is the thing that will make your podcast stand out from other shows of its kind (aka your competition), so it's critical to make sure your potential listeners understand why they should choose your show.
And if you need it all figured out for you, we’re here to help. Book a free strategy call with my team and find out if you're a fit for PodLaunch.
Next Up:
In the next episode, we'll dive into the three key mental shifts you need to overcome the typical fears and doubts we all face about starting or growing your podcast. Because sometimes, the biggest barrier to success is right between your ears.