How to Choose a Bingeworthy Name for Your Podcast
Episode 210 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
How to Choose a Podcast Name That Grabs Attention (And Keeps It)
If you caught the last episode, you already know how crucial your podcast cover art is — it’s the first thing that listeners see (and knowing how to stop their scroll is the first step to drawing their eye to your show). But what comes next is even more important: your podcast name. A lot of people get this dead wrong, which is why today, I’m breaking down what not to do, what makes an effective podcast name, and whether or not it might be time to rename your show.
Most people have good intentions when naming their podcast. They want to stand out, be different, and communicate something meaningful. But what usually happens when people try to find a podcast name that stands out, they unknowingly make one of four major mistakes that causes them to blend right in with everyone else. So if you want to get more eyes (and ears) on your show, convert more listeners into leads, and grow your podcast audience, choosing the right podcast name is essential — and it starts with understanding how humans are wired to think.
Your Podcast Name: Emotion Over Logic
When listeners are looking for new podcasts to listen to, they’re doing one of two things:
- Typing a keyword phrase into the search bar
- Scrolling the podcasts in their category of interest
Sounds simple enough. But here’s the kicker: people aren’t thinking logically when they’re browsing podcasts. They’re thinking emotionally, and often unconsciously.
Think of it like this: you’re scrolling Instagram late at night. Some posts grab your attention, others don’t. You’re not sitting there analyzing why — you just double tap the ones you like and scroll past the ones you don’t without giving it another thought. The same goes for podcast names. If your podcast name doesn’t trigger an immediate, emotional response, potential listeners will scroll right past it. To keep this from happening to you, read on.
The Biggest Mistake Podcasters Make When Naming a Podcast
If coming up with a unique or catchy podcast name was the key to standing out, then shows like Show Up and Shine or Tilt Marketing would be topping the charts. (But chances are, you’ve never even heard of these shows).
Back in the early days of podcasting, vague podcast names that targeted general audiences worked because there wasn’t as much competition. That’s why today, you see podcasts with names like Real Talk or The Daily. But in today’s podcasting landscape? Broad, general-interest names don’t cut it. What worked back then doesn’t work now because the podcasting space is more competitive than ever.
So if you want a podcast name that stands out and gives you a competitive edge, avoid these podcast name mistakes at all costs:
- Naming Your Podcast After Yourself: Unless you're a well-known figure with a large following, naming your podcast after yourself will limit its appeal. If you’re using your podcast as a tool for growing your audience and authority, it’s better to choose a name that clearly and immediately communicates the value of your show.
- Being Clever Instead of Clear: It’s tempting to choose a name that feels unique or personal, but if it doesn't immediately communicate what your podcast is about, it can confuse potential listeners. Clarity always trumps cleverness when it comes to naming your podcast.
- Not Solving a Specific Problem: A podcast name that doesn’t directly address a specific problem or pain point your audience is facing will struggle to attract and retain listeners (ask me how I know!) Your podcast name should make it obvious that your show is the solution they’ve been searching for.
- Mistaking Feelings for Problems: Most people make the mistake of marketing to feelings (like overwhelm or anxiety) thinking those are the problems. But feelings are subjective. They’re the result of a problem, not the problem itself. Your podcast name must speak to the actual problem your listener is experiencing.
- Overlooking SEO and Keywords: Ignoring keywords in your podcast name? Big mistake. Including relevant keywords can be a game-changer for discoverability on search engines and podcast platforms, helping you reach a global audience of potential listeners.
- Ignoring the Emotional Impact: People make decisions based on emotion, not logic. Your podcast name should spark an emotional reaction—something that makes people say, “This is exactly what I need!”
- Choosing a Vague or Generic Name: A name that’s too vague or generic is going to blend in, not stand out. And if you’re not already famous, you need a name that clearly tells people what they’re getting. Don’t be afraid to be specific and direct.
- Trying to Appeal to Everyone: You've heard it before — when you try to speak to everyone, you speak to no one. But are you practicing that when it comes to your podcast name?
These mistakes can lead to a podcast name that doesn’t attract the right listeners, isn’t easily discoverable, or fails to make a strong first impression. So if you don’t have a massive following, aren’t a well-known public figure, and didn’t start your podcast a decade ago, keep reading to learn how to choose a podcast name that actually makes people excited to binge your show.
What Makes a Bingeworthy Podcast Name?
An bingeworthy podcast name is one that attracts your most ideal listeners and repels the ones who aren’t a fit. Some people get into podcasting thinking they want to reach as broad an audience as possible, so they choose a name that’s equally broad and vague and wonder why they’re getting 20 downloads an episode six months in. That’s because broad and vague doesn’t work — at least not anymore.
If you want to stand out in today’s podcast landscape, your podcast name has to be specific and focused on solving a real problem your listeners are experiencing (That’s worth reading again). But being specific doesn’t mean boxing yourself in or leaving anyone out — in fact quite the opposite. Specificity makes you so hyper-relevant that the people who need you can’t help but click play. A bingeworthy podcast name:
- Spells out WHO your show is for
- Addresses the BIGGEST pain point you're here to solve
- Is CLEAR (and succinct — 4 words or less is ideal)
- Includes keywords whenever possible so that your show can get discovered
Take Amy Porterfield’s podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy. In just four words, she hits all the points above: Her name immediately tells you who the show is for (business owners focused on online marketing). It speaks to the biggest pain point of her ideal listener (online marketing challenges). It’s clear, succinct, and shows the transformation her listener gets by listening (easier online marketing). And it includes a keyword her listener is likely searching for ("online marketing").
Amy’s title speaks directly to her listener’s subconscious mind in a way they simply can’t ignore. That’s why she stands out.
But What if the Podcast Name You Want is Already Taken?
Okay so you’ve brainstormed for days and finally settled on the perfect podcast name, only to do your research and find out it’s already taken. This is a GOOD thing — it means one of the biggest opportunities you have to differentiate your podcast from others that cover similar topics.
Believe it or not, there are five steps a listener must experience before deciding whether or not to hit play on your podcast. We call them your five Podcast Content Gatekeepers™ and your podcast name is one of them.
Each of these gatekeepers plays a crucial role in attracting, keeping, and converting new listeners. So if the name you wanted is already taken, look at what’s missing. Instead of focusing on what’s already out there, focus on the gaps. What can you bring to the table that others aren’t? Your podcast name shouldn’t just blend in with the crowd—it should grab attention and make new listeners think, “OMG, this is the show I’ve been looking for!”
Now, imagine what happens when you’ve got all five of these gatekeepers dialed in. It’s game over for your competition. This is the one thing 99% of podcast hosts aren’t doing, but simply by applying these principles, you’ll create a bingeworthy show that acts as a magnet, attracting new listeners on autopilot.
Putting It Into Action
So take a look at your podcast name or the podcast names you’re considering. Does it solve a specific problem? Is it immediately clear who it’s for and what they can expect? As the podcasting space continues to grow more competitive, this is more important than ever.
And if you want more free podcasting advice in your life on how to turn your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of, make sure you’re following Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast on your favorite podcast app.
Or if you’re like, “Can you help me do it?!” Yep we sure can, and we’d love help. Book a free strategy call with our team to find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch and get the blueprint you need for a bingeworthy top podcast that converts listeners to clients on repeat.
Next Up:
In the next episode, you’ll learn how one simple change in your episode release timing can help you reach more listeners and grow your podcast audience (and how this exact strategy helped one client skyrocket from 30 downloads per episode to over a thousand in a single day). So if you’re tired of opening your analytics dashboard and seeing less than 1000 downloads per episode… don’t miss it!