If Your Podcast Isn't Converting Listeners to Leads, This Could Be Why
Episode 214 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer
The 93% Rule: The Hidden Power of Your Voice on Listener Engagement
Spoiler alert… a fancy mic won’t magically increase listener engagement. (Okay, so maybe that’s obvious). But do you know why? If your listeners are dropping off in the middle of your episodes — and worse, if they’re not converting to leads and clients — it might have absolutely nothing to do with how good your mic is, how good your content is, or how consistently you release episodes. It could be that you’re unknowingly pushing people away with your number one tool for building trust and increasing listener engagement as a podcaster — your voice.
I don’t mean that you somehow got forgotten at the back of the line the day God was handing out angelic voices. I’m talking about how your audience might be tuning you out because of something they’re picking up on in your God-given voice.
Anxiety? They can sense it.
Self-doubt? They can hear it.
Apologizing when you ask them to take any kind of action? Yup, you guessed it.
So if you’re ready to know how to increase listener engagement and retention and make sure what your audience hears doesn’t accidentally drive them away, read on.
How Your Voice Can Build (or Break) Trust with Your Listeners
Studies now show that podcast listeners are 5x more likely to buy from Podfluencers (is that a thing? we'll make it one) than they are from their favorite social media influencers. And listeners are 7x more likely to buy from their favorite podcast hosts than from media/TV celebrities. So if you want to talk about real influence and making a meaningful difference in the world, understand this: when listeners hit play, the very first thing they notice is how you sound.
But influence doesn't come from saying, "Ima start podcast!" and hitting publish. Just because you're a podcast host doesn't mean you're influential. Real influence comes from knowing how to make listeners care about what you have to say in the first place. Because the best compliment a podcast host could ever get? "OMG, it feels like you're talking to me!" << That's what gets them reaching out wanting to work with you.
Increasing listener engagement as a podcast host isn't about what you say. It's about how you say it. We call it your Bingeworthy Messaging Formula, and it's ingredient numero uno for increasing listener engagement with a top podcast that *actually* drives leads and sales to your business.
Because in real life, first impressions are made in 7 seconds. But online? You've got 1/10th of a second for someone to decide if they trust you. (yes, as in 0.05 seconds). Earn their trust, and the rest is easy. BUT HOW DO YOU DO THAT, COURTNEY?!!?!! (What, you thought I'd leave ya hanging!?)
How You Say It Matters More Than What You Say
If 93% of all human communication is nonverbal, that means only 7% of what you communicate comes from the actual words you say. What does this mean for us as podcasters? It doesn’t matter how good your content is if your voice lacks energy and emotion. Think about why you love your favorite actors — it’s not for their good looks or how perfectly they delivered their lines. It’s because they made you feel something. Your vocal delivery plays a huge role in maintaining listener interest, increasing listener engagement, and driving conversions. The sooner you recognize this, the sooner you can start making changes that draw your listeners in and keep them hooked.
Your Audience Can Hear What You’re Thinking
If you’re not making the kind of revenue you want in your business right now, it might have absolutely nothing to do with your message but with how you’re delivering that message. And because how you think affects how you speak, which means your audience can actually hear what you’re thinking. (Read that again, because this changes everything).
Think about it: if your prospects can hear your self-doubt on a sales call, do you think they’re going to buy? If your voice wavers when you reveal the price on a live workshop, do you think they’ll believe in the value of your offer? If you ramble on a podcast episode to convince people you’re an expert (guilty here!), do you think they’ll want to listen? No, no, and heck no.
Why A Good Mic Can’t Mask What Your Audience Hears
For years, I struggled with the belief that nobody wanted to hear what I had to say, because growing up, I was often told that “my mouth got me into trouble”. I internalized that message and for the next twenty years, I avoided speaking up and sharing my ideas because I associated using my voice with emotional rejection.
That’s why your voice is more than just a sound — it's a powerful tool that communicates your inner state. When you’re confident and clear, your audience feels it. When you’re uncertain and hesitant, they sense that too. To truly connect with your listeners and drive conversions, you need to address the thoughts and beliefs that affect your vocal delivery. Like it or not, your thoughts and beliefs influence how your voice sounds when you speak, and your audience unconsciously picks up on this — which can negatively affect listener engagement. Because as good as your microphone is, it can't fix the sounds that someone picks up on in your voice. That can only happen from within.
Putting it Into Action
Taking full ownership of your voice takes guts, because now you know that your voice isn’t just a vehicle for your message — it’s a unique fingerprint that makes you, you. So if you want your audience to feel connected to you, then learning how to identify the thoughts that keep people from hearing you is the first step to increasing listener engagement and retention.
But where do you start? Begin by examining the thoughts that run through your head when you speak. Are they supportive or critical? Are they empowering or self-sabotaging? The more you can address and shift these internal narratives, the more authentic and engaging your voice will become.
And if you’re really serious about mastering your craft as a podcast host and increasing listener engagement, consider hiring a voice coach. Voice coaching isn’t something many podcasters think about, because they’re too busy focusing on tech. But as you now know, tech won’t fix what your listeners hear when they listen to you. So if you want to give yourself an edge on the competition, investing in voice coaching is a power-move. It’s a strategy that 99% of hosts overlook, — but it’s what will truly refine your delivery and set you apart from the rest.
And if you want more tips for creating a listener experience people rave about? Make sure you’re following Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app for actionable advice on how to turn your show into a podcast listeners can't get enough of.
Or if you’re a coach, consultant, or expert who wants the full blueprint you need to stand out as a top podcast host with a bingeworthy show that converts your listeners to clients, Book a free strategy call and let’s find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch.
Next Up:
In the next episode, you’ll get to peek behind the scenes into a recent session with my own voice coach, Katherine Beck, and through our role play, you’ll learn how to overcome subtle voice habits that cause listeners to tune you out and hear the impact your tone and delivery have on listener engagement in real time. So if you want to increase listener retention and make your episodes more engaging, don’t miss it.