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Getting Zero Engagement from Repurposed Podcast Content? Here's Why.

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Frustrated man on the phone, featured in episode 232 of 'Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast,' titled 'Zero Engagement on Repurposed Podcast Content? Here's Why.'

Episode 232 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer

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0:02 - Why Repurposing Podcast Content for Social Media Misses the Mark
5:07 - The Counterintuitive Approach to Podcast Content Repurposing 
12:36 - How Connor Price Hit 1 Billion Streams with Creative Content
15:01 - Why Vanity Metrics Are Killing Your Podcast Growth
16:09 - 3 Steps to Repurpose Podcast Content for Higher Engagement
21:52 - Use This Key Strategy to Drive Social Media Traffic to Your Podcast

The Hidden Flaws of Content Repurposing

Picture this: You've spent hours combing through your podcast episodes, selecting clips, adding flashy effects, and maybe even shelling out for expensive apps or video editing services. All this, only to see your 30-day download numbers barely budge. You're lucky if you get a handful of likes, let alone any clients or sales. And the worst part? You have no idea if all this work is actually bringing new listeners to your show.

We've all been there: content repurposing promises to expand your reach and drive traffic back to your podcast, so you take your long-form podcast episodes, chop them up into bite-sized clips, and share them across every social media platform you can think of. In theory, it's a dream come true — easier content creation and wider exposure. But in practice? It's often a time-sucking, soul-crushing experience that leaves you questioning if it's even worth the effort.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. So, let's dive into why your content repurposing might be more of a time-waster than a traffic-driver right now, and what you can do to turn it around with three counterintuitive strategies that top podcasters swear by to craft content that not only grabs attention but actually gets people excited to tune in.

The Problem with Content Repurposing

Here’s the elephant in the room: social media platforms are not designed to be podcast discovery engines. When people scroll through Instagram or TikTok, they're not thinking, "Let me find a new podcast to binge." They're looking for quick entertainment, a laugh, a distraction, or something that catches their eye and makes them feel something. So chopping up your podcast content and posting it everywhere is the least effective way to drive traffic back to your show. Social media platforms favor content created specifically for them, not repurposed content snippets that feel out of place. Which means your podcast clips, no matter how insightful, are already set up to get lost in the noise. Unless you do this:

How to Make Content Repurposing Work for You

Before we talk strategy, here are three mental shifts you need to make if you want your content repurposing efforts to actually work:

  1. Lead with Value, Not Self-Promotion: Your primary goal should always be to deliver actionable insights that provide value for your listener (if you can’t do that, you shouldn’t be podcasting). People are savvier than ever and will quickly sense if you're more interested in serving your own agenda. Take a page from Alex Hormozi's book: he didn't grow his podcast audience by pushing his podcast. He addressed the specific problems of his audience in his short-form content, which naturally drew them to his podcast to learn more.
  2. Keep Your Expectations in Check: Just because you’re spending time and energy to create clips and post them doesn’t mean people will be interested in them. Instead, use your data to find out what your audience actually wants to hear from you, and go into it knowing not every clip will be a hit. As you see what works, you'll know what to double down on because success comes from consistently meeting your listeners' needs and refining your approach based on what truly engages them.
  3. Create Platform-Specific Content: Different platforms require different types of content. What works for a podcast won’t necessarily work on YouTube. And what’s a hit on YouTube? Won’t fly on Instagram. If you want to give yourself the competitive edge, you’ve got to tailor your content to fit the platform you're using. Unless you have a huge team behind the scenes helping you create and distribute your content, start by mastering one platform before you even think about adding more. Otherwise, you'll just end up spreading yourself too thin and all your efforts will go to waste.

Creating Engaging Content from Your Podcast

Let's face it, we've all felt the sting of putting out an episode we think is gold, only to hear... crickets. You pour your heart into content you know your audience will love, but the stats don't lie: low downloads, a handful of likes, and no new business leads. It's easy to wonder if the effort is even worth it.

But before you throw in the towel, consider this: maybe your podcast content is blending in when it should be standing out. Here’s how to transform your content repurposing from forgettable to unforgettable (and if you want to dive deeper, be sure to check out this episode with the one and only Luis Camejo who unpacks five steps to get more listeners choosing your podcast over the competition with content that dominates the conversation.)

  1. Get Real About Algorithms: Blaming the algorithm is like blaming the oven when your cake doesn’t rise. Sure, it's frustrating when your podcast content repurposing doesn't get the engagement it deserves, but the truth is, it's not just about how hard you work. It’s about making sure what you’re offering is what your audience actually wants. If you’re churning out content without a clear focus on your listeners' needs, you’re just serving up lemon pie to people who hate citrus. Instead, ask yourself: Does my content solve a specific problem? If the answer is no, it’s time to refine your message to make your content discoverable.
  2. Look Beyond Surface-Level Metrics: It's easy to get caught up in the vanity metrics—downloads, views, likes—but these numbers don't tell the whole story. Sure, seeing your stats climb feels good, but if your audience tunes out after the first few minutes, it's like filling a concert hall only to have everyone leave after the opening act. Real success comes from creating content that keeps your listeners hooked from start to finish. Dive deeper into metrics like listener retention and watch time. These will show you what's truly resonating with your audience and help you fine-tune your content repurposing for lasting impact.
  3. Always Be Improving: You've heard it a million times: "master your craft." But what does that really mean in podcasting? It means constantly refining your skills, experimenting with new formats, and staying curious. Don't settle for good enough. Even if your content repurposing strategy is solid, there's always room for growth. Think of it like being an athlete — would Michael Phelps have stopped training after his first gold medal? No way. The best podcasters keep pushing their limits, ensuring their content is always fresh and engaging. Keep honing your craft, and you'll not only stay relevant but also deliver a superior experience to your audience.
  4. Don't Be Afraid to Stir the Pot: Playing it safe might feel comfortable, but it produces bland, forgettable content. The truth is, you can't please everyone, and trying to do so will only dilute your message. Being polarizing isn't about being negative; it's about being authentic and standing firm in your beliefs. Whether it's tackling controversial topics or offering a unique perspective, don't shy away from being bold. A smaller, engaged audience that loves your take is far more valuable than a larger, indifferent one. The most successful podcasters are those who aren't afraid to be themselves and create content that sparks conversation.
  5. Focus on Substance, Not Just Views: Creating content for views is the fast track to burnout. Instead, aim to create podcast content that provides real value and keeps listeners coming back for more. Whether it's offering actionable advice, solving specific problems, or simply entertaining, your goal should be to build a loyal following that sticks around.

Learn from Connor Price: Engaging Content That Sticks

Take Connor Price, an independent artist who skyrocketed from zero to over a billion streams as an independent artist. Connor didn't just drop new songs and hope for the best; he created engaging, platform-specific content that resonated with his audience. Instead of posting "New song out, go listen!" like so many artists, he crafted creative, witty, and entertaining videos that showcased his music in a way that fit each platform perfectly. Whether it was a humorous skit or a behind-the-scenes look, his content was designed to draw people in and make them curious about his work. And when it comes to content repurposing, you can do the same to drive traffic back to your podcast.

Connor’s approach is a perfect example of how tailoring content to the platform and audience is what makes the difference. He didn't just record a video of him singing the song and share it to social media to tell people to check out his new music; he showed them why they should care. And it worked. His innovative content made people stop scrolling, engage, and share, turning casual viewers into over 2.3 MILLION dedicated fans on Instagram alone. The takeaway? Don't just repurpose content, create a content experience that aligns with your brand and hooks your audience in. Yes it’s more work — and it will yield more reward.

Play The Long Game

Your podcast is unique, and so is your audience, which is why the standard content repurposing practice of turning long-form videos into short-form clips doesn’t always work. The key is to experiment, learn, and adapt. And most importantly, always prioritize serving your audience over promoting yourself.

And if you want more tips on how to create a listener experience people rave about, make sure you’re following Insider Secrets to a Top Podcast on your favorite podcast app to turn your show into a top podcast listeners can’t get enough of. And if you’re thinking, “Can you take this off my hands?” we’re here to help. Book a free strategy call with my team and find out if you're a fit for PodLaunch.

Next Up:

In the next episode, we’re diving into four signs that listeners might be overlooking your podcast and what you can do to fix it. So if you’re ready to find out how to make your podcast stand out no matter how crowded the podcasting landscape gets, don’t miss it.


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